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Review of THE WOMAN ON THE PAVEMENT - "tight narrative style that used sensible wordplay to paint the scene...(it) hit me with that twist that makes such fiction so worth reading". (AMY GERRARD - SMASHWORDS)








Review of BATTLE OF WITS: "A very well written mysterious short story (book). It was very easy to read/follow from start/finish & never a dull moment. Lots of exciting scenarios & a great set of unique characters. This could make a great mystery movie or TV series. No doubt in my mind a very easy rating of 5 stars for this short story" (TONY PARSONS - SMASHWORDS)

Review of SANGUINE SAVIOUR: "A very, very good short story. Along the way there are several small but significant disclosures which catch the reader by surprise, and the resolution was wonderful and original. Yes, there are a few questions left dangling, but in the 'good' sense - overall, this is a good peek into a character's psyche and a good horror piece where the menace builds slowly but surely. Highly recommended for a quick read." (DAVID BLAKE - SMASHWORDS)

Review of THE END OF DEATH - "Incredibly well-written story that enabled me to experience every nuance of the accident; and I especially loved how the ending gave it even more impact (no pun intended). Bravo" (CARL LAMBEIN JR. - SPINETINGLERS)


Review of THE WILL - "This is one of the best books I have read and I read constantly. Thanks for the great read. Job well done"​ (ANONYMOUS - BARNES & NOBLE)

Review of PIG FARM - "Nice little revenge story. Lots of unexpected events and close calls to keep the story going. I shall beware of pig farmers in the future." (GARETH ALLEN - SMASHWORDS)​

Review of THE WILL - "An absolutely beautiful piece of writing. A highly emotive story that flows and grows in its telling. Once I had started, I could not put it down until I had finished and at the end, my involuntary response was an intake of breath and a simple 'wow'!" (STEPHEN CRAIG - SMASHWORDS)

Review of HOMECOMING - "The narrative is powerful; the scene gruesome" (ANNIE HAQ - SMASHWORDS)

​Review of SURVIVORS - "A gritty and realistic short account of the true life horrors of abuse" (ANTONY STRICKLAND - SMASHWORDS)

Review of BOARD MEETING - "This is a short read, but not a fast read. Take it slow and read it aloud, is my advice. This is really interesting work;I've never read anything quite like this before." (MICHAEL CARTER - SMASHWORDS


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